Melody! A dearest 21st birthday. I hope you have another wonderful trip flying around the sun. It has been really lovely getting to know you over the past couple months (even if we've known of each other's existence for a fair bit longer). Your intelligence, wit, spontaneity, and easy-going nature is delightful. Combined with your passion for the sciences, your aspirations, your dance prowess, it is inspiring and wonderful and really fun to be around you. I cherish our late-night texts and evenings hanging out. With you, yapping makes the time fly by and your company makes recovering from the sleep deprivation 1000% worth it. Your smile, laugh, beauty, realness, and sass (and much more) is total gold.  

Also, thank you for sharing so much media of Rosie and Daisy with me and enabling my obsession with dogs. Your adoration for them melts my heart every time-- they are simply the cutest. I hope I can meet them some day but for now I appreciate all the photos and videos you forward to me. 

Couple notes on the bunch of images below. First, we have no pictures together! Let's fix that. Second, I realized I haven't taken *that* many photos of you, but I was going to include Rosie and Daisy regardless.  Originally, I was going to choose some favorites to highlight but then I couldn't decide and threw all of them in. Anyway, my heart hurts (in a good way) at how fucking cute all of these are. 

Sooo come over for... snacks and cocktails pt. 3! Or we can go find dinner and do some bar exploring! Or we can just take a nap! It really is so much fun to spend time with you-- hope to see you soon! :)

p.s. never done this before so sorry if it is a tad weird that this is like "on my website" as an unlinked page. I'm just using it as a platform for the image gallery! 
fat hog pt2 -- lol gotchu again for scrolling all the way down here. Also, Harry Potter pt.1 was really fun, again soon perhaps?
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